If but single person
aquires from this book
all I have tried to share, I would judge all our efforts worthwhile

There is no doubt that were those who judge books by their covers to be constantly successful, humanity would still be living in the dark ages. But just because humanity did make some progress towards enlightenment – thanks to the perceptions and efforts of some individuals – this does not mean the current knowledge is based on absolute physical reality, by recognising and rejecting any influence of fiction.

As with all human endeavours, the reason for this failing involves human behaviour: when knowledge of something is lacking there are those who promptly resort to fiction as means of explaining that which they do not know. From there, those who invent such fiction for their benefit of fame and financial gain, and those who believe and support that fiction, go on to defend it, even if they are aware of their falsehood. And should this fiction be absorbed into general population, as notions of 'gods' and 'time' for example, they can become accepted to be elements of reality rather than representations of unreality devised by human imagination.

It then becomes very difficult to address and correct such deeply ingrained fiction with nonfictional explanations of physical reality. Difficult but necessary, if humans are to rid themselves of the erroneous premises on which they base their right to disregard physical truth and think anyway they want to.

And that is where the paradox to human intellect becomes apparent: despite always claiming to wanting to know the truth of everything, when the opportunity arises to do just that, they, for many selfish reasons, choose not to know by hiding behind their erroneous notions. That means, no matter how Existence: what it is and what we think it is were to be presented, the physical truth of the matter would be, and shall be, derided and dismissed by those who believe that which they had been taught to believe: not daring to examine any new knowledge.

As to all those who would welcome an introduction to Existence: what it is and what we think it is, the book is easy to understand despite all the complexity of subject matter, and comprises of three parts.

PART 1 deals with explaining exactly what makes humans human. This information is currently not just unknown it is not even suspected, despite being the cause of human thinking and behaviour for thousands of years.

Apart from many other disclosures, the importance of this information cannot be minimised, as it is this information, and it alone, that provides conclusive evidence of why humanity and inhumanity are part of the same species.

PART 2 expands the explanation of human decisions to mentally devise and strengthen their reliance on fiction, with which they had developed societies based on similar attitudes to cultures and traditions, requiring beliefs rather than logic and reason to maintain.

PART 3 is dedicated to providing explanation of all physical existence. It delves into understanding of what everything physical is made of, and why it functions with physical restrictions: a characteristic that applies to everything according to physical reality, but not to human-invented fiction that scientist insist on using to devise their theories.

These revelations provide explanations to many physical entities, such as: gravitation, which is currently misunderstood to be an influence of attraction, whereas gravitation represents attraction AND repulsion, as otherwise everything would converge into one big mass.

Finally, Part 3 of the book provides the ultimate explanation of all physical existence: where and how did it all originate in the nothingness of vacuum space, and what does all the physical existence looks like.

In essence, this book is a collection of original observations and conclusions based on logic and reason provided by mental efforts of the entity whose inevitable presence begins the explanation of what makes humans human.

Furthermore, this book contains no bias or favouritism to any current human practice or thought, for they are all equally flawed, having been originated from human imagination as fiction and not derived from the truth of physical reality.